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A successful weight loss journey doesn't require restrictive diets or harsh workouts, which can lead to deprivation and burnout.

Instead, focus on science-backed principles that promote weight loss while offering flexibility in choosing delicious meals and enjoyable activities tailored to you. Pairing foods and activities you love creates a more fulfilling experience, transforming the process into a genuinely enjoyable healthier lifestyle.

By making suitable choices that align with your lifestyle, you'll naturally stay committed to your plan and achieve lasting success.

Discover the effective strategies our Fitmate coaches use with clients below.


Maximize proteins & fiber to prevent you from feeling hungry.
No need for endless calorie counting and you can still enjoy occasional treats.

Breakfast and snacks

breakfast and snacks nutrition diagram

Lunches and dinners

Lunches and dinners nutrition diagram


Adding in some cardio with strength building to burn fat and improve your mood

cardio/shoe icon


resistance training icon

Resistance training

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No need to do excessive sport, you can pick options you enjoy!

Weight loss tips

what to order at a Mexican restaurant - video thumbnailplay button icon
what to order at a Vietnamese restaurant - video thumbnail
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what to order at a Greek restaurant - video thumbnail
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making scrambled eggs more interesting
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the benefits of hiking
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what to order at an Italian restaurant - video thumbnail
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real benefits of walking for weightloss - video thumbnail
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beat stress eating 1 / hide temptations - video thumbnail
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beat stress eating 2 / easy stress reliefs - video thumbnail
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pick cardio you enjoy - video thumbnail
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Get a dedicated 1:1 coach to create a realistic plan tailored for you