Everything You Need To Know About Veganism For Weight Loss

We hear a lot about the vegan diet these days in the media, thanks to celebrities and even fast food companies jumping on the bandwagon. A lot of people think going vegan means instant weight loss, however,

We hear a lot about the vegan diet these days in the media, thanks to celebrities and even fast food companies jumping on the bandwagon. A lot of people think going vegan means instant weight loss, however, that’s not quite true. You don’t have to be on a vegan diet plan to lose weight, but if you become vegan for that purpose, then you’ve got to follow the diet in a healthy way.

Specifically, you want to focus on whole foods, plenty of fiber, and plant-based protein sources such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. It’s also equally as important to limit foods that aren’t filling, such as packaged snack foods and refined carbs. Examples of refined carbs are white bread and bagels.  This is the Fitmate approach to losing weight on any type of diet, as these are the types of foods that fill you up on fewe